Primary science

Year 1 Plants We Eat
Year 1 Science
Plants We Eat- differentiated sorting activities. Children to sort the vegetables and fruit into roots, stems, seeds, flowers, leaves and fruit

Year 1 Science- Materials
Differentiated worksheets for sorting materials.
HA- Provide chn with a selection of materials. Children to draw and label one object in each heading and write the material it is made from.
HA Ext- Chn to sort object cards into venn diagram.
MA- Chn to draw the object under the correct material and label the name of the object below.
LA- Chn to draw an object under each material name and copy write the material name below.

Year 1 Science- Carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.
Year 1 Science planning with resources.
* HA- Children to sort the animal pictures into a venn diagram.
* MA- Children to sort the animal cards with descriptions into the table.
* LA- Children to create a flip book by cutting along the dotted line and sticking the correct word and definition with those animals inside the flip book.
Extension tasks:
* Making area- Children to draw an example plate of food for each animal type.
* Writing area- Children to create an animal face using the templates: monkey, human, tiger etc and to attached a mouth with lines inside for children to write about the animal.